The L1 Wars: SOL, AVAX, NEAR (1)

  • Background:
    • Panal Date15/01/2022
    • Speakers
      • SOL: Anatoly(Co-founder)
      • AVAX: Emin(CEO)
      • NEAR: IIIia Polosukhin(Co-founder)
  • Summarization: Different approaches to Ethereum Layer2 Scaling
    • SOL:
      • Vision: Cheapest Way to Achieve Information Symmetry for market opportunities/…]
      • Features: Don't do Sharding, don't do Layer2.(说白了就是用Highly Specialized Hardware to handle increased computational workload, leading to higher centralization and low security) keep things in sync in a very tight synchronized network and you do have higher hardware requirements which is probably the main restriction
      • Upside: Quick, synchronized
      • Downside: Hardware requirement is so much higher that your operating a smaller number of validators but they're very high performance validators and you can scale according to Moore's Law. Yet, While ETH1/2 has 5000 Nodes — Solana has as many as 2500 validator nodes. As far as users can achieve their hardware requirments…
    • NEAR:
      • Vision: Way beyond settlement layer to computational layer, all 0
      • Features: Opposite of Solana, NEAR is doing sharding.
      • Downside: Processing of different applications is happening in parallel. And asynchronously meaning that if one app calls another one, this happens at a slightly different time:
      • Upside: In etherium, Everything happens within one so called transaction, and so if any kind of there's no other operations that can execute between one app calling another and if something fails then everything rolls back VS in Near, interaction between apps is asynchronous meaning that other things can happen in the network.
    • AVAX :
      • Vision: While vision of Bitcoin is to unseat the dominance of dollar, our vision like Ethereum is to build a computer in the sky, to create a system to digitize all things.
      • Features:
        • The first and foremost big differentiator is that avalanche uses a brand new novel protocol called the Avalanche Consensus Protocol. Most of others are doing signature accrual, avalanche is… making it incredibly fast, making immutable transacition in less than a second.
        • It’s not a monolithic/single system, allows anybody to be able to create subnets wherein each of this could run a custom VM, so all of these subnets are powered by the same super fast consensus protocol, but they have their own rules so they can have their own custom rules so we can spin up…
      • Downside: Protocal is new, it has science going forward but is hasn’t engineering going forward(engineering adjustments and tests, iteration), while other protocal has engeneering going forward without science innovation.
    • Summarization1:
      • Solana is trying to be extremely high performance and basically put everything into a single high performance machine and run everything altogether at a scale that as in a totally put it could try to challenge something like noisy
      • Avalanche is taking a totally different approach to consensus and it's taking this multi blockchain approach where you can run any different kind of custom virtual machine alongside the other ones under avalanche consensus
      • Near is Sharding. they have multiple blockchains that are of the same type that all talk to each other natively that that scale through asynchrony and in a distributed way way as opposed to by trying to keep everything on the same Shard.
    • Summarization2:
      • Solana at a very high level it's almost like the big block approach(Big Block did not work our in Bitcoin, but that deos not mean it’s an invalide approach) brought into smart contract blockchain's we're gonna use you know big honking machines and just ram it through and we're great engineers and it's practical and it works right now. good news saying we're going to take the best science and learning out of academia and we're actually going to try and implement it and i have to admit subnets confuse the hell out of me.
      • NEAR seems to me like the eve 2 road map actually implemented like let's follow a lot of the same principles and approaches but let's actually shift the code
    • Views on EVM
      • Intro: Lingua Franca of defi/blockchain applications/dapp. The most used infrastructure in building blockchains. Avalanche has gone the deepest to create a completely VM compatible blockchain. Near has a shard that's dedicated to an EVM contract called aurora. Solana is probably the least EVM oriented of the three although they do have a team that's slated to launch a a virtualized VM called neon.
      • Solana: EVM is not the key differentiator there and it was never something that we thought would make or break this thing so we basically didn't prioritize it
      • Avalanche: We love EVM. Autit也是生态的重要部分,替换别的就没法Code Audit